Monday, June 30, 2008

On vacation!

Well the day has finally arrived!  I'm off to Seattle!!!  with one of my best friends to see one of our best profs!!!  (details about how the trip came together are here) This is one of the first trips in a really long time that is a true vacation...nothing that has to be done except some fun!  Woohoo! I promise to take lots of pics and share with you next week!

No worries for all of you though, I have a few posts planned for you!!!  Retro Rib Sock #1 is done!  I'm super pleased with how it turned out and DH is begging for one for him, I think he would rather I not give it to its designated recipient...which is still a surprise. (I've had trouble finding good guy patterns/yarn combinations...this one is a hit)

I also started my Secret Prayer Swap sock....3 inches of the leg done and I'm loving it! but not pics yet for's a secret :)

1 comment:

  1. Nice sock! Retro Rib is a great for men or women. I made a pair for myself a couple of years ago. Garter Rib is another good unisex stitch pattern.

    Have a wonderful vacation!
