Thursday, July 3, 2008

Wee Tiny Sock

So many people have made darling Wee Tiny Socks that I felt like I had to join in.  I got a blocker at The Loopy Ewe and now can broadcast that I'm a sock knitter :)  I also think these would make great Christmas ornaments or cute package toppers!  (I think you could even make your own blocker out of cardboard! )  Can you tell more of these are in my future?

The yarn?  This yarn I won in a contest from Trish back when I was blogless Leah!  It is Apple Laine Apple Pie in Sunset and my first pair of Monkey socks!  (also the first pair of socks I made for myself that actually fit!  It took me awhile to figure out how long to make my socks)  Thanks Trish!!!!! (sorry it has taken me so long to show you the finished product)

Speaking of contests.....I have finally decided on a contest I want to do ( I think)!  It will begin July 10 and run through July 26th, so be sure to check back for details!  I'm really excited about it!


  1. What a cute WTS and congrats on the Monekys.

    I wish I could make them but my feet are small and I would have to go to nine stitches per inches to make them fit right.

  2. The yarn is perfect for those socks. Love them!

  3. Those keychains are so cute. I have one but haven't knit a sock for it yet.

    The socks look great! I firmly believe that some sock yarns need to marinate in the stash for awhile before knitting.

  4. It's adorable! Guess what? I got my size 2 double pointed needles today. So I'm set to start my second pair of socks- perhaps on our next lake trip.
    Love you, Mom
