Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Shawl Relay Update

Oh my...I had every intention of posting these pics yesterday, but well the day got away from me!  Yesterday I gave two math talks to incoming grad students (remember I knitted a pseudosphere for one of the talks)  They went well, but they sort of consumed my day...especially with prepping for the class I'm teaching in the fall too.  No complaints mind you, just reasoning for neglecting the blog.

So without further ado...here are the progress reports on the swallowtail shawl:  

I'm almost done with the Lily of the Valley border (those are my favorite flowers)  In fact I just have one purl row left.  Then the lace border and I'm done (less than 20 rows left).   The numbs in the border look nice and aren't too bad, but these last 20 rows will go faster because there aren't any numbs!

Spinning Book Reviews:
Last week I checked out 2 spinning books and some of you wanted my opinion.  I feel like there should be some sort of disclaimer here because I'm a novice and may not know enough to give a good opinion, but.....here goes.  My thoughts:
  1. The Complete Spinning Book by Candace Crockett.  The book was chocked full of history of the art of spinning and wool.  It didn't offer much practical advice about how to actually spin, so it wasn't what I was after.
  2. The Alden Amos Big Book of Handspinning.  This book had some strengths and weaknesses.  I felt the strengths were in how to prepare wool to spin (if you don't buy it already prepped)  It also did a good just explaining some of the common terms used in the spinning world.  It definitely favored spinning with a wheel (I haven't done this and really just skimmed those sections)  The weakness was on this books attitude towards spinning on a spindle.  At one point they said they won't even speak about how to ply on a spindle because who would do that?  I'm paraphrasing of course, but...anyway this wouldn't be a book I would buy but it was nice to have a better understanding of the fiber I will use.
  3. On Ravelry the book Spindle Spinning: From Novice to Expert by Connie Delaney was highly recommended.  It is currently checked out of my library, but I will get my hands on it soon and let you know what I think.


  1. The shawl looks fantastic - so soft and wonderful!

    Did the math talks go well?

  2. Swallowtail Shawl is progressing nicely. You'll be finished in no time.

  3. I do love the looks of that shawl stitch, it's beautiful

  4. I am in awe of how your shawl is progressing. I also laughed out loud and all kinds of jokes ran through my head when I read this:
    "Spinning Book Reviews:
    Last week I checked out 2 sinning books" . I hope you go forward on Sunday. :) HA.

  5. Looks beautiful!!! I can't wait to see it finished. I finally finished the first sock and hope to cast on for the second this afternoon at doctor appointment #2. ;) See you tonight! =)

  6. It really is pretty- will look great on you!

  7. Your shawl is beautiful, it looks very cuddly.

  8. The shawl is so very lovely! (And so close to being done ~ bet you can't wait :) Thanks for the info on the spinning books. It's true that most of them do favor wheels. P.S. my word verification this time is "pezdy" ~ do you think we should have fun making up definitions for these word veries? Pezdy ~ the one day in the school year children can bring in their favorite pez despenser for snack.

  9. It's looking wonderful. The finish is in sight.

  10. What a lovely shawl! Good job!

  11. Honey, the shawl is lovely! I love white, and it looks so soft--I would love to try a shawl one fine day when my mind isn't lost!
