Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Knitting with Mom

Among all of our activities, Mom and I managed to squeeze in some knitting time too!  Mom really starting knitting last May when I was home for a visit. (Handknit socks can be great motivation for making new knitters)  She quickly completed her first pair and is on her second now.  Yes, her first knitted project was socks (now you know where I get it from!)  She came to me with her heel flap all done, but needed help turning the heel....actually she just needed me to speak the directions instead of trying to read the pattern.  Knitting abbreviations are brutal until you break the code!  

We got her past the heel turn in no time and she reported that in the airport going home she completed all her gusset decreases!!! (way to go Mom!)  She is doing a plain vanilla sock using Knitpicks Essential in Ash on US 2 DPNs.

She also made bootees! (buttons still need to be sewn on, but that is it)  Aren't they cute!  They will be a good project for her to make as gifts.  (Mine need one more strap and sewing up)  Here is the link for the pattern!  It was a good project to learn how to make increases and bind off!


  1. It's so nice you can share that with your mom. I'm so impressed she started with socks!

  2. Beautiful! My mom tried socks but she knits so loose that she is just going to rip them out because they won't last. :(

  3. i love sharing that stuff with moms! looks like you guys had a great time (and great talent!)

  4. Lovely projects! I hope she reads all these comments. It is rewarding sharing projects with other knitters.

  5. That's so cool that you can knit with your mom! She sounds great!
    I think I'll have to go make some more booties!

  6. I am beyond impressed! Socks and bootees right out of the gate! And so beautifully knit at that! Bravo, Leah's mom!
