Friday, November 7, 2008

Am I boring you?

Since I don't really want to bore you with pics of last nights spinning....well I can't resist!

The unnamed wheel and I are getting along brilliantly!  Okay enough about that....last week I agreed to my first commissioned knitting project!

I'm going to make a stocking like these.  A lady on campus sent out an email looking for a knitter.  Her mother made these stockings all the time (often as baby gifts) and had made them for the whole family too.  Her mother has now passed and she it not a knitter.  With the addition of a new daughter in law another stocking is needed!  I'm trying to match the discontinued yarn Patons Look at Me baby sport weight yarn.  Any suggestions?  I'm going shopping this weekend to see what I can find!  Have a super weekend!


  1. Dude, we're knit bloggers. Nothing fiber related bores us! I'm not sure how to go about matching the stockings but how cool to help someone keep their traditions. At first I thought you were making a whole bunch and I thought, "Is she crazy?" Then I read again. :)

  2. NOT AT ALL. I don't have any ideas about the yarn substitute, although you might get some ideas from the Herrshners site or catalog?? (NOthing I spell seems right to me tonight!! I blame the fever, ok?!) Also, there's site that compares yarns...and if I can think of it, I'll send you the link. I love those stockings--you're giving me ideas!

  3. Don't you love a challenge? Good luck finding yarn to match!

  4. I'm not bored at all. Good luck with the stockings.

  5. I love the spinning its not boring! Good luck with finding yarn!

  6. The stockings look like a fun project ~ hope you were able to find the matching yarn. Blog on about the spinning!

  7. I certainly envy your talents and abilities. Truthfully, you are an inspiration to an old catfish like me!
