Monday, November 17, 2008

I'm an addict!

As is what Lindy and I've been up to!  Here are the bobbins full of singles!

They kept multiplying....6 in all (maybe I need more bobbins...who would have thought!)

Then I plied them!  Here is some of the yarn wrapped on the niddy noddy (this pics is for those who don't know what a niddy noddy is...I was right with you a few months ago...but they are handy little things)
and a close up!

So the 6 bobbins turned into 6 skeins of yummy yarn!

This is in the prewashed state.  Now the yarn is drying all over my apartment :)

a close up!  It is 70% Shetland, 30% Mohair...710 yds.....14.7 ounces of yarn!  I think it turned out fairly uniform too!

This is my favorite pic with Lindy in the background.   (shhhh...this yarn is a Christmas present for a dear friend....shhhhh don't tell)


  1. It's a good thing to be addicted to. What a wonderful gift this will be!

  2. I'm loving your adventure in spinning! You are making lovely yarn! Pretty soon you'll have your own Esty store. :)

    What a wonderful gift too. She/he'll have their socks knocked off!

  3. whoa girl, That's a lot of yarn in a little bit of time. Will you be knitting with it tomorrow night?

  4. I am amazed girl! It all looks great!
    Love you,

  5. Awesome, I like the picture with Lindy in the background too

  6. What nice yarn and what a good thing to be addicted to.

  7. You are having sooooooo much fun!!! What beautiful yarn ~ you have a real talent there, Leah!

  8. Wowee Zowee!

    You are fantastic! Glad you're enjoying the're totally a natural!

    How generous that you're planning on giving all this away!

  9. Uh-oh!! You SOUND like an addict!! but in a GOOD way...a yarny way!!

  10. Lindy is a great name. I can see you two have become firm friends and have many happy hours ahead creating such sumptious yarn.

  11. I think it looks gorgeous. You are taking to the wheel just fine I think!

  12. Amazing! What do you think your friend will make with all that yummy hand spun?

  13. How wonderful. You and Lindy sure have been busy. Can't wait to see what you knit with it.
