Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Trying something new this year!

You know I often don't post because I don't have pictures, but today I decided not to care! (maybe I'll do that more often)  Last year I was on a yarn diet.  Like all diets it went okay at best.  Don't take me wrong I did knit a lot of yarn that I had (in preparation for moving), but I still feel like I'm bursting at the seams. Granted my stash is small compared to many I've seen, but....I feel the need for less.  Perhaps to make shopping more fun and less guilt ridden.  Here's the plan:
  • 12 projects (socks, gloves, baby items, a sweater)
  • with 12 stash yarns
  • 12 months
First of all, I find it scary that I have that much yarn, but this will help to reduce things.  The goal is one a month (since that seems logical).  I don't think it will be all my knitting either, but it will be a considerable amount.

And just so you know.....1 project is done (some plain socks)  I'll show you a picture in a future post!  So are you trying to knit down your stash too?  


  1. I've just come to accept that I will never knit up all of my stash, but I'll have fun trying.

  2. I am trying, but there are so many temptations out there. I think I'll just have to try harder to resist. I like the idea of twelve projects in twelve months seems very achievable. Thinking cap on.

  3. Your 12 projects is a good idea! I think I probably have 12 UFOs however. LOL I way too much stash though so need to do something.

  4. Yes, I've tried knitting down. And destashing on Ravelry. But somehow (I have no idea how) the volume of yarn / roving doesn't seem to diminish ;)

  5. Did you see the "sock club" that the Yarn Harlot did on her blog last year? She bagged up 12 sock projects, with yarn and pattern and knitted one every month. It would work for other small projects too, I think.

  6. I"m absolutely trying to knit with what I've got. My stash has outgrown the biggest I said I would ever let it get. I finished one pair of socks so far, and am trying my first pair of toe up socks.
