Thursday, July 10, 2008

Contest & FO

Lately I have seen so many people with one type or another of reusable bags that I wanted to make some of my own.  I had a cone of cotton lying around, so I thought this Crocheted Grocery Bag was perfect.  I don't really care to knit with cotton....too hard on the this was perfect.  It is about the size of a regular plastic grocery bag, but I think will hold a little bit more because you don't have to worry about it breaking.  So far I've made two and want to try them out before making more because some alterations may be necessary. (yep there is still more cotton on the cone)

Now on to the contest!!!!  I always love when other people do contests (and have won two) that I wanted to do one myself.  But then came the decisions...when? how? prize? oh my?  Then I got it!  

Not my Birthday, not my blogiversary, but an anniversary of a special time in my life! (Thus July 10-26th....I will tell you more details in the coming days) Eight years ago my life changed! I was 19 years old, had just finished my first year of college, (oh no....did I just admit my age) I thought everything was perfect. Until July 10th! Everything was definitely not okay, but God was in control. Okay, okay....on with the contest details....plenty of time for my story later!


3 Ways to Enter:
1) Comment on a post dated between July 10-26th (1 comment per post please)
2) Announce my contest on your blog (just let me know that you've done it)
3) Keep your eyes open for a special post that will be worth a double entry!

$25 gift certificate to The Loopy Ewe!!!!

(nonknitters are welcome to enter too....I will make sure you get something you like, but a guarantee a Loopy gift certificate will be awarded) I like my I didn't want to give it away....and this way I know you will get something you like!!!

So why do a contest....I think they are fun....I want to thank everyone who reads my blog (THANKS!!)....and I hope to find a few new readers too!

So let the contest begin!!!


  1. I really like the bag. Another reason to learn to day.

    I'm really interested to hear your story. I'll be back to find out what happened.

  2. I like your grocery bag, and I too will be back to find out the rest of the story.

  3. I love your crocheted bag - but really can't wait to hear your story!

  4. I am looking forward to the *details* as well ... and especially to the "special post!" You can count on a link soon!

  5. Love the bag - I have one myself and find it so useful.

    And, I'm looking forward to finding out what happened eight years ago....

  6. very cool. LOVE contests and can't wait to read your story

  7. I love the bag! I keep meaning to make one of those, but I never do. I'd love to hear your story!

  8. Love the bag! I have tons of cotton yarn. I think the next bag I try will be a crochet one. I haven't crochet anything in awhile.

  9. I can't wait to hear the rest of the story!

  10. that is beautiful work!!!

    I will be posting about your sweeps on my blog :)


    Kim aka Castrated Bean on Ravelry

  11. I can't wait for the story!
    I posted on my blog.

  12. I do like your bag. Thanks for having the contest, and hope you keep on blogging.

  13. Can't wait to hear more....

    I love that you love your stash so much you don't want to give any of it up!

    JackieCastsOn Raverly

  14. Cute bag. I started to crochet one once but got bored and ripped it. Oh well. Fun contest!

  15. My dear daughter- you are amazing and I can't wait to see what will come of your contest and the "story".

    What a day of rejoicing!
    Love you,

  16. Wow what a lead in to a contest.

    I do love a contest, and have several myself.

    I am going to add your contest to my blog right now.

    I'll be back often, curious is my middle name, lol

  17. Nice bags...they are fun to do in recycled plastic bags as well.

    Nice contest idea, and that's EXACTLY why we have contests! Not enough fun in this adult life until we make it!

  18. I love your grocery bags! I have always wanted to make one (or more), since this year I've tried to reduce my family's environmental footprint. I'm really happy I found your blog, I love reading fellow knitters' blogs. I will be back to read the rest. Thank you for offering a contest.

  19. You've got me hooked! I look forward to the story, and congrats on your mystery anniversary.

  20. I like the bag. I've got to make some too! :D I'll have to come back to hear the rest of the story too! :D

  21. I came here from a link on Ravelry (I'm KJo there too) for the greedy reason of 'Ooo maybe I'll actually win this one! Hee hee' and then I read your post. I found myself completely enraptured with what 'the story' is and forgot all about it being a contest. So I'll be lookin' back everyday so I can find out what happened!


  22. the bag came out great. i wish i could crochet...i just am not cordinated with one stick, need two i guess. i knit a bag and it was such a pain!! but do need to get busy making more as they are soon charging us 20 cents per bag all over the area. (i know this is good though) curious to hear more of your story. happy no specific reason but life intervention!!!

  23. The bag is really cute. But I have to say I am so intrigued by your story. I can't imagine what you will tell. I came over from aunt Kathy's page (It linked directly to your contest so I think I'll see if you've posted anything else!)

  24. That's a nice bag, you'll get a lot of use out of it. Looking forward t the story. I came here via WiKnits contest blog.

  25. Forgot to mention I'm posting your contest to my blog today.

  26. Great looking bag! I'm looking forward to your story. I'll post about the contest on my blog -

  27. Found your blog via Ravelry...It's always fun to find new blogs and be entered in a contest at the same time!

  28. Happy blogiversary! I love these bags... and have made a couple myself :)

    ilovemath on Ravelry

  29. I am working on a bag myself and plan to give several as gifts. What a great way to keep plastic out of the landfills. Thanks for a chance to win. Jill S

  30. I'm excited to hear what the story is. What a great contest idea.

  31. Found your blog on Ravelry. Ah, life-changing moments. Wee!

    Cerebelle aka Tricoteuse on Ravelry

  32. I like the crocheted bag! Once I get knitting down I might have to try that.

  33. That is so cool you are having a contest. I love the grocery bag too! I just made one (for my beach bag) and love it!!!

  34. I knit myself a similar bag and use it all the time. I hope you enjoy yours!

  35. Love the bags - let us know how long they took, and I always have wondered with theses type of bags - do they sag? or grow at all? I'd love to hear 'how they work' after they're done!!

  36. Oh how I need to learn to crochet! What a great bag!

  37. I like how your grocery bag came out...I've been thinking about making a re-usable bag too and I have like 15 balls (different colors) of peaches and cream cotton. I'd probably use it as a beach bag though. This is just one project that will help me bust that part of my stash.

    I dont have a blog but I'm OhAmy on Ravelry if you want to look me up. Thanks for the Contest.

  38. Love your bags! Makes me want to make one myself!

  39. Ok, I had to leave a comment so you would know - I had to favorite your blog just because of the name! Go Knitting Giraffe!!!! : )

  40. Great contest and great prize! I can't wait to read your story.

  41. i love that crochet bag i just need to learn how to crochet good some day. i also posted about it on my blog also if u want to look

  42. oh i love contests but I love the bag more. !! gonna make me one.
    hugs Patt

  43. I just linked to your blog from:

  44. the crochet bag does look the perfect size. i made one that turned out much larger. but it sure can hold a LOT of stuff.

    i am reading backwards through your blog.

  45. I love the bag--it's HUGE! ANd I have always crocheted. You'll be linked in a post at my blog Knit/Pickin' at as soon as I leave this comment. I'll be back--for the rest of the story!

  46. neat idea for a contest, I also love giraffes so I am bookmarking your blog!!!

    Love the bag, like everyone else does too!!

  47. Cute bag! I need to learn to crochet. I'm interested in your story too so I will be back as well.

  48. Great bag - my only concern with it would be stuff poking out of the holes. I look forward to hearing how it performs in real life. And thanks for the contest!

  49. Here's my first comment, actually made after my second comment. ;) On the way to my blog even as I type.

  50. The Loopy Ewe! Such goodies there! Wonderful!


  51. Nice bag. I have enough yarn to make one of those, although I'd have to knit it since I haven't learned how to crochet yet.

    I've posted about your contest here:

  52. I love those bags, have made a few myself.
    I can't wait to hear your story, and have entered your contest. I have linked you on my blog...
    Thanks for the fun!

  53. I love your bags, I wish I could crochet, I just have a hard time with it. I think that crocheting old plastic bags into bags would be cool. The ultimate in recycling.
