Friday, July 11, 2008


I am truly amazed at the response from yesterday's post!  Thank you!  I feel honored that you all want to hear my can't be told in a day....but then it didn't happen in a day....but before all of that....some yarny goodness!

Recently I purchased some yarn (used up some B-day $) from Michelle (boringknitter on Ravelry)!  It came when I was in Seattle and then there was so much to talk about.....

Dream in Color Smooshy in Cool Fire...yummy pink with a little purple!

Austermannstep....can't wait to see how the aloe is.  I bet it keeps your feet soft (wouldn't that be nice!)

Lorna's Laces in Amethyst Stripe (okay....I had no hope to resist this one....I'm a complete sucker for purple)

Lang Yarn Jawoll Cotton.  A new cotton blend yarn to try!  I love the pink/brown/orange combo!

So now I need to get busy knitting!  Michelle has more yarn she is trying to destash (it is gorgeous!!!)  So if you are interested, go check it out!

Now....some of my story...or maybe we should say the back story!   I think you all need a little context for what I will be sharing in the coming days, so here it is:

Back story:
I was so fortunate to grow up in a Christian home....I don't remember not knowing the gospel and it seemed Jesus had always been my Lord.  I understood my need for His saving grace....I had a debt I could not pay and He payed a debt He did not owe (for me!!!...and you!!!)  While all of this was wonderful, I was jealous of those around me who had amazing testimonies!!  Their lives had been horrible...they got saved....God worked in their lives!  I knew I shouldn't be jealous of this, but why didn't I have a testimony?  (now I realize that I did....while I didn't remember a specific moment, I could still testify of how God was at work in my life) But at the time, I prayed for a testimony!  I never dreamed God would answer in the way He did!

Now go ahead and leave a comment to enter the's easy and painless!


  1. oooh, that is a brave/scary prayer- to pray for an amazing testimony.

    I remember a few years ago in a Bible Study we were all asked to share our testimonies, and a friend started to share hers, saying basically what you just did, that she grew up in a Christian home and did not have a dramatic or exciting testimony, and in comparison hers was a little boring... but then she added - "but when I thought about it, I realized that anytime, anyway someone is brought into the flock and receives salvation through Christ's sacrifice, that in itself is exciting and dramatic."

    I look forward to hearing more of yours - thanks for sharing. It's always a blessing.

  2. I'm glad you like the yarn! I feel a little pang of sadness when I see the yarn in other peoples stashes but it's the only way it'll fulfill its knit destiny. I can't wait to see what how it looks knit up! :-)

  3. We're really looking forward to hearing your whole testimony ~ thank you so much for sharing it!!! I've wondered what it would have been like coming to the Lord early on. It's good to be reminded that God's timing is perfect.

    Wow, what wonderful yarn choices. What do you have in mind for the smooshy?

    You'll LOVE the Austermann Step. I made a pair last Fall and wore them more often than any other socks last winter.

  4. Pretty yarn! I'd forgotten about Jawoll Cotton, but I've used it before and liked it.

  5. I was born into being a Christian too! I've never felt that way about testimonies though. I suppose it's because of the way I feel about how I came about asking the lord into my heart. You see I have an older sister (by three years) and when I was three-or-four my sister lead me through the prayer. There was no crying between us or anything like that, we were just little girls doing what was right, she was just repeating what she had said and I was just trying to be like her. And not to long ago we were sitting as guests in a church and the preacher said a sermon about 'how do you know you ARE saved' and how his daughter said the prayer to ask Jesus into her heart when she was six or so, and he went onto say how when she was twenty she said that prayer again on his driveway in a tearful mess of how she wasn't sure she was saved and needed to say it again. And then she did it again when she was forty. I've never once felt like I wasn't saved when I was three-four led in prayer by six or so year old sister. I know for a fact I was lead to salvation by my sister that day.

    Sorry, long comment. Beautiful yarn btw! Can't wait to 'hear' more of your story! And have you thought about writing professionally? You're GOOD!


  6. It's always great to see God work weather it's big and dramatic or not. Prettyful yarn! My story is somewhat like yours. I was born in a christian home and got saved really young. There has been some big stuff though mostly it's been subtle. Thanks for sharing!

  7. I love the colours in that Austermann Step.

  8. Ok you got me hook line and sinker, I'll be back daily to hear the next part of your story.

    Oh and I love that first yarn pictured the pink with a little purple, I so want that in my stash. Yummy.

  9. Ooo... I can't wait to hear more of the story!

    Love all that yarn. I'm a sucker for all things purple, too!

  10. I remember thinking the same thing. Why could I not be the bad girl turned good. I now know that I dont need that title and have come to terms with the fact that God has used me where I am and has done thing that are amasing. Looking forward to hearing thr rest of the story, ~Bean

  11. Still very intriqued. Its like a little mystery...

    The yarn is really lovely. What a great way to spend your birthday money!

  12. I really like the colorways of the Step and the Lang. I like the way you are revealing your testimony in pieces. Looking forward to more.

  13. I'm also weak whenever I come across purple sock yarn!

  14. I grew up Christian too and I know how you feel. When I was younger I felt a little cheated that I did not have a conversion story. When I was an adult I realized that I chose to continue being a Christian after leaving my parent's house and I also got the added benefit of not having made some of the big mistakes that people who do not know better can make.

    I am drooling over that yarn, especially the Lorna's Lace.

  15. Yup, still listening, smile!

    Beautiful yarns!

  16. Beautiful yarn. I can't wait to hear more. Jill S

  17. I remember feeling the same way. Though I never prayed that way but now I definitely have gone through trials and have testimonies of various kinds. One in specific I was able to share when in China and Thailand. What an awesome time!

  18. Absolutely love the purple one!!! I may have to go check out what is left in her stash that I need. :)

  19. I am anxious to hear "the rest of the story"
    Love the purple yarn!

  20. You know, I got some of that Austermann during my trip to Germany. Had never seen it in the States, but loved the feel and promise of the aloe/jojoba! We'll have to see how it turns out! =)

  21. I am looking forward to hearing yout testimony. The yarn is beautiful also. I just wanted to let you know that I found you through ravelry where my name is knittingpanda87.

  22. love all your yarn. very pretty colors!

    haven't had a chance to knit with dream in color.

  23. I'm intrigued. I know I'm late but I just found a link to your blog through someone else's blog...

  24. Love love love the purple Lorna's Laces.
