Wednesday, October 8, 2008

It's almost 4!

Yep!  Mom's plane arrives at 4 today and the day has crept by!  Thanks yesterday to Marti for finding me the perfect dishcloth here!!!!!  Really go look!!!  It is too cute.  (did you guess it was a giraffe!!!)

In light of Marti finding me the perfect pattern, I have given her my award (a pattern from Rachel's) that I won on Aunt Kathy's blog!

Last night at knit night I got to where I'm ready to turn the heel on my sock (yeah!!!)  So except part 2 of the ML tutorial this week!

Now the socks for my SIL will be using this yarn:
Using this pattern (I took the pic from the pattern....I hope that is okay)  

I think it is perfect.  It has enough going on in the pattern that I won't be bored and are more like a plain vanilla sock which is what my SIL wants!  I'll show you the progress as I make some!


  1. Enjoy your visit! Thanks for the link to the sock pattern.

  2. Leah you are too funny.

    Hope you are enjoying your mom as it's now after 4.

    I knew about that giraffe pattern but I thought you already did too.

  3. Leah,
    You are sweet to give me your prize. Its not easy to choose a design is it?

  4. Beautiful pattern. Love the colour of the yarn too. Hope you have a great time with your mum.

  5. Report from KC. All's well at home. :)

    I love that sock pattern. I've never seen these socks either. Can you believe all that time on Ravelry and there is a pattern I've not seen!? Ha.

  6. This SIL is so blessed to be the recipient of these gorgeous socks! Can't wait for those comfy babies to be on my cold toes! Send Mom our way after your wonderful weekend with her!

  7. The pattern is lovely and so is the yarn. Enjoy your mom!

  8. I hope you and your mom have a wonderful time together!! How fun!

  9. Those are going to be really pretty!

  10. Oh my gosh - you totally won the contest at tiennie knits!!! Congrats girl! =)
