Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Why must posts have titles?

In some ways I'm not sure what to blog about today, in others it seems like there is plenty to say.  My current projects are coming along (but I hate to bore you with pics that look so similar to the last)  
  1. The clapotis has 9 dropped rows and I'm still enjoying working on it.  I love the instant gratification when I get to drop the next row.  That little land marks trick my brain! 
  2. I started over my plain knit sock (I think I told you...right after I started it I took it to knit night and messed it up....some of us can't do ribbing at knit night)  I have several inches done and it is ready to go tonight.  I so want to get to the heal for I can finish the ML tutorial.
  3. October to do:  Finish (1) and (2) and make progress on the socks for my SIL.  I will tell you about those tomorrow!
  4. I'm so excited I can hardly contain myself.  My mom comes tomorrow!!!!!  I've been fortunate that every year I've been in Louisiana she has been able to come for my fall break (even this year when technically fall break is cancelled due to Gustav....I won't be doing much work and we will have fun)  It has been a special time each year for just Mom and me to hang out!!! and in some ways carry on a family tradition.  I have a twin brother (did you all know that?) and each year he and my dad would go on a pheasant hunting trip.  While they were gone, Mom and I would have a shopping weekend.  Full of fun, shopping, and Olive Garden.  (Now sometimes we had to take care of my younger brother too, but it was always a time when Mom and I got to hang out more than normal)  So now the tradition has morphed into Fall Break and I can't wait! :)
  5. I won a contest over at Aunt Kathy's yesterday!  What a treat!  I get to pick one dishcloth pattern here.  Can you help me pick a pattern?  (there are no giraffes so I don't know what to do)
  6. Let's talk about spinning!  So even though the wheel and I had issues last week, I think it is just a matter of practice and I'm looking for a nice used wheel.  We'll see what I find....and I know I need to be patient to find the deal I want.  Friday I bought some lovely fiber from Uniquely Yours! (she was having an awesome sale which I heard on her blog)  Unfortunately the pics don't do the fiber justice.  I was so pleased to open my package yesterday and see fiber prettier than what I had picked out!

Blue Jean Baby--4.1 oz Merino

Chocolate & Berries--3.4oz merino and silk (with and without flash...both pics are a little off it is much more vibrant in real life)

I guess that was plenty for a post!  Happy crafting!


  1. I can't wait to see the yarn you spin... those pictures are pure loveliness.

  2. Beautiful fiber! Dez is going to be selling used wheels in her shop, which is slated to open the week of Halloween. I don't know what your time frame looks like, but she might have some good options!

    I had a dream last night that you and Melody forced me to re-learn how to spin tonight. Y'all took away my knitting and only let me have my spindle and fiber, and I wasn't allowed to do anything else but spin. It was quite funny! ;)

  3. I'm glad you and your mom will get some time together! She could bring you back and then you could go see the Yarn Harlot in KC with me next Monday. :)

    Good luck with the wheel. Just keep an eye out and let people know you're looking and it will pop up. Maybe even on Craigslist!

  4. The fiber is gorgeous! You'll have fun spinning it.

    I like the Ice Cream Sundae dishcloth pattern.

  5. Quilted Diamonds and Pretty Purple Pansy are very nice designs ... but how could she have that many patterns to choose from and no giraffes?! Excellent color choices on the roving. P.S. and that's a great post title :)

  6. trying to think of clever titles is so much harder for me then thinking of something to post

  7. I saw this and thought of you!

  8. I think I would have troubles picking just one pattern :-) I would end up buying a bunch too! Here are my favs...but I could list many more :-)

    Young Love, Bumbles, Cafe

    Have fun with your mom! That sounds like a great tradition! :-D
