Monday, October 20, 2008

Socks are done!

My knit night socks are done!  (okay...I did work on them outside of knit night)  These are a simple pair of socks but were lovely on my feet this weekend!

Details:  Plain vanilla sock.  Cast on 68, did 2x2 ribbing and a round toe!
Yarn: Online Cotton Beach Color
Needles: US 1.5 using magic loop!
**these are my October socks for the Pair-A-Month challenge!!
The cotton blend is lovely!  Not too warm for those of us who live in the south!
I was happy the stripes matched up so well...I couldn't have dreamed they would match like this!

I had a lovely weekend knitting a lot!!!  Nothing exciting, but blissfully wonderful!  I feel refreshed and ready to tackle the week (I think)


  1. They look great! You don't need anything but a plain sock with this yarn. Let the yarn do all the work.

  2. A round toe,...I didn't know about round toe!? I need to go look this up now :-)

    Nice that yarn!

  3. Holy cow, the stripes match almost perfectly! I don't know that I've ever seen that happen without meticulous planning. Well done! =)

  4. Beautiful socks. And great pictures. It's harder than it looks to get pictures of socks.

  5. The new socks look great! Sometimes plain vanilla socks are the way to go. Nothing better then watching a new stripe appear when knitting. :)

  6. What a great pair of socks! Job well done!

  7. They are lovely and how wonderful that the stripes match! Love you! Mom

  8. Oh socks, Leah they came out perfect.

  9. purty! the stripes are oddly perfect!
