Friday, October 17, 2008

What super friends!

Six months ago I only knew 2 people who knit/crochet/spin in Baton Rouge.  Since then I have met this awesome group of ladies who are so much fun, who share so many of my passions!  They are spinners, knitters, crocheters, encouragers, enablers, and givers!

Tuesday night, one lady GAVE me these:

A whole bunch of spinning magazines!!!  She decided spinning isn't for her right now and thought I would like them.  (They aren't helping me be patient to find the perfect wheel!)  There are so many great projects made with handspun yarn. 

Doesn't this scarf show off the yarn great?  Plus the magazine shows 10 others scarfs (all the same pattern) made with different handspun!  (Oh where is my wheel....must spin faster)

and look at these socks!  I don't feel ready to make sock yarn yet, but the pattern looks nice and I know it won't be long.

Then fellow grad student and knitter (she also attends knit night) thought I would like to borrow this book of hers.

Very cool!  My personal favorite are the pillows showing different braid equivalences.  Yep!  real topology in this book (that is what I study in case you were wondering, not braids, but topology)

Now that my reading list is set for a while, I need to figure out how to knit and read at the same time!


  1. What a great bundle of goodies! I'm getting really excited about your wheel and following along watching as you progress in the handspun arena!

  2. :-) Elizabeth Zimmerman's books always talk about knitting and reading at the same time ....I don't know how she did it!?!? It's a skill I don't think I'll ever have... :-) Let me know if you figure it out! Ha!

  3. Someone needs to invent a frame that an hold a book while you knit. Sort of like the stand typists have but fatter so it will take a book.

  4. How richly blessed you are!

    Will you ever find time to knit again....heheheheh:D

  5. Wow! What a great bunch of friends you have!
    I have tried to figure out how to read and knit. Reading would be so much better than TV.

  6. What wonderful friends you have. I love those journeyman socks. I might need to find that magazine myself!

  7. Oh I use a book weight for the knitting and reading at the same time so I don't have to hold open the book. I pretty much associate one with the other and most often if I am doing one I am doing the other.

  8. My dear - they say to have great friends, you must BE a great friend!! I'm sure that is true.

    I've changed my blog address--not the name oof the blog--but you'll see the link wll be from now on!

  9. I've made that scarf in a commercial yarn and I really enjoyed it. One day I'll spin up some yarn and knit it again.

  10. When you figure out the knitting and reading at the same time, please share your wisdom. I could use it! I guilt pile of books keeps getting larger and larger (and so does my pile of yarn come to think of it....hmm).

  11. That math knitting book is the coolest and geekiest thing I've ever seen. Enjoy.

  12. how nice! and what good reading you have now!! keep you busy and out of trouble! smile
