Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Making progress

My commissioned work is coming along nicely!   The yarn used previously is discontinued and the choices available in sport weight in the needed colors were very limited.  I'm hoping to get approval for the colors this week.

So far so good and it is going quickly!  You knit the leg flat and then do the foot on dpn!  It is nice that it doesn't get repetitive...always something new!


  1. I had forgotten about these. They are turning out great! This is going to be a really special gift for this family.

  2. Looks great! It's so nice that you can do this for them! It will really make everything feel complete I bet :-)

  3. It's like a puzzle, re-creating a pattern! Looking good!

  4. Oh--how nice to get 'commissioned' work-I hope!They look lovely and old-fashioned. ( the latter part is like me!!)Happy Thanksgiving, Leah!

  5. It looks good. I am glad its going well for you.
