Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Quick Update

Hi all!  Just wanted to update you that I am well!  Had a super Thanksgiving....got to spend lots of time with DH!  What a treat!  I have a big presentation at school tomorrow so blogging has been on the back burner right now....so towards the end of the week you should expect a real post!  Lindy is lonely...no spinning over thanksgiving....knitting, shopping, DH time, no complaints!  Things will settle down soon and blogging will return to normal....I promise!


  1. Yay! Glad to hear you had a good holiday! I hope to stop by Knit Night tonight and/or Fiber Therapy on Thursday for a bit, so hopefully I'll see you at one of those places! I miss you! And if I don't, good luck with your presentation! =)

  2. I'm glad you had a great Thanksgiving and time with dh.

    good luck with your presentation

  3. I hope your presentation goes wonderfully! Good Luck.

  4. I'm glad you had a good Thanksgiving and good luck with the presentation! I'm sure you will rock it.

  5. You are amazing, juggling everything so well! (Time with Lindy will be well-deserved! It must feel good having that to look forward to.)
