Thursday, December 4, 2008


Thank you all for your prayers and kind comments about my presentation!  It went well....maybe a little shorter than I wanted, but I was pleased, very nervous, and happy it is now done! (Except for the recap with the advisor and figuring out the answers to the questions asked that I didn't know)  There is still plenty to do this semester, but nothing nearly as stressful!

On the knitting front:

I'm making good progress on the stocking!  I had to rip back 4 inches this weekend because I didn't like my color-work.  I was carrying a lot of the colors behind the work and it was puckering and didn't look as good as the stocking I'm trying to match.  So now I'm not carrying and happy with how it looks!  The only bad part of the stocking (and the part I didn't anticipate) is the back:

So many ends to weave in....I spent 2 hours at knit night weaving in ends (it looked even worse then) and while I made progress, I still have a long way to go!  Maybe just maybe I can finish this weekend?  We will see.

On the shopping front:
I did mention DH and I went shopping on black Friday right?  While most men aren't good shoppers DH is!  (not always, but when he is in the mood to shop it is fun!)  We were working on shopping the sales for clothing needs for both of us and working on Christmas shopping for the family.  While he was checking out....I wandered over to the purses and admired this:

How could I not love it?  I've been eyeing them for awhile, after all it is a giraffe print :) but never really thought I would get one.  I don't spend that much on myself let alone a purse.  Well DH decided, right then and there, that I should have it.  No talking him out of it!  I mentioned the cost, he mentioned we would be doing our part to help the economy, what can I say, there was no use arguing with him.  (I reminded him Lindy was my Christmas and he said he knew that, but which one did I want, we could afford it)  We did get a deal though, I insisted that we check another store who carried said purses and they were having a deal where is you traded in a used purse you got so much off your new purse.  Well of course I was using a favorite purse that day, so we went and bought a cheap knock-off giraffe purse and gave them that in exchange for the discount!  (All donated purses were going to charity)  I love my new purse and hope whoever gets the donated one likes hers too!

I'm so glad to be back to blogging again! I've really missed it!


  1. Oooooh, you got the giraffe Dooney! ((covet))

  2. Awesome and (as your nature) you helped somebody else out too. I hope to see this purse in person!

  3. I am so glad your Hubby made you get the Purse. He rocks.

    I'll tuck in all the strings for you if you come teach me how to knit with colors like that

  4. Drooling over your purse... and I don't even like animal prints. lol

    What a nice treat for you!!!

    The stocking is turning out lovely too!

  5. The stocking looks awesome. HOpefully the rest of the ends will weave in quickly!

  6. How cool is that to bless and be blessed all at the same time:D

    Is that stocking related to Emily's (YarnMiracle) request for a knitter?

  7. Glad the presentation went well. The bag looks just perfect for you and you have done two good turns to boot, donated a purse and helped the economy.

  8. The purse is great! Your DH does rock! And on the stocking front- I am so impressed! Love, Mom

  9. The stocking looks great, but what a lot of ends to weave in. How many stockings did you agree to knit?

  10. What a great purse! Is it really a dooney I haven't seen that one.

  11. I'm playing blog catch up so I've missed a few posts. The stocking is looking great. Sometimes weaving in the ends is better even if it's a little more time consuming. Floats work better if you're using thin yarn.

    I love supporting the economy and do it every chance I get. ;)

  12. Oh HONEY!! I LOVE it----it's awesome!

  13. Oh there is no way I would tuck in that many ends! You are so brave!
