Monday, December 8, 2008

A present for Lindy!

Last week I'm mentioned that Lindy was feeling lonely and neglected.  Thursday night I got to go to a knit/spin in at a new shop in town:  Knitting Asylum!  I had decided before I went that I could get a little fiber!
I got 3oz of lovely merino!  The color was just perfect!  So Friday night I got to relax with Lindy (and stayed up way too late spinning....I just had to finish and see what it looked like plied!)
A 2-ply yarn....3oz merino...260 yards....pure fun!

Stocking update:  All knitting AND weaving in of ends----done!  I need to block it and seam the back!  Woohoo!

Today:  I have a spinning date...bound to be fun!


  1. I heard Lindy's excitement all the way here in NY

  2. Oh my gosh Leah, it's beautiful!!! Love the colors! =)

  3. You chose a beautiful color to spin. Lovely. Are you on break yet?

  4. You're fast! The next bit of fun will be picking out something to knit with this beautiful yarn.

  5. That is beautiful! Oh Lindy must have been so happy to spend some time with you....

  6. Wowowowowowoowowow

    Lindy certainly wasn't mad about the neglect. She treated your time together with the utmost grace and beauty

  7. Goodness--I'm salivating!! It's LOVELY, Leah!

  8. It is gorgeous! Love that color! I can see why you got it and you did do a lovely spinning job! Love, Mom
    P.S. Are you bringing Lindy with you when you come home for Christmas????
